

søndag 6. november 2011

Football final

After I went for a walk in the city last night, I could not stop singing football songs ... Ooohh Bergen city!! ÅÅÅÅLESUUND! By the way, it is great to see how many night owls who have signed up to protect girls from being attacked ! : D

mandag 31. oktober 2011

Happy Halloween people!

Oslo is scary these days. There have been several attacks on women in the last couple of days. Today I took the bus instead of walking home. Hopefully the police will work out the situation soon. In the meantime, we must be careful girls. Do not go home alone!

fredag 7. oktober 2011


I'm so happy! This is great news! :) Congratulations Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and Leymah Gbowee of Liberia and Tawakkul Karman of Yemen!

torsdag 1. september 2011

I'm back!

I have finally gotten my precious baby MacBook back, and now we'r celebrating in the reading room at the university! :D

mandag 8. august 2011

In memory of those killed 22.07.2011


Til Ungdommen
av Nordahl Grieg

Kringsatt av fiender,
gå inn i din tid!
Under en blodig storm -
vi deg til strid!

Kanskje du spør i angst,
udekket, åpen:
hva skal jeg kjempe med
hva er mitt våpen?

Her er ditt vern mot vold,
her er ditt sverd:
troen på livet vårt,
menneskets verd.

For all vår fremtids skyld,
søk det og dyrk det,
dø om du må - men:
øk det og styrk det!

Stilt går granatenes
glidende bånd
Stans deres drift mot død
stans dem med ånd!

Krig er forakt for liv.
Fred er å skape.
Kast dine krefter inn:
døden skal tape!

Elsk og berik med drøm
alt stort som var!
Gå mot det ukjente
fravrist det svar.

Ubygde kraftverker,
ukjente stjerner.
Skap dem, med skånet livs
dristige hjerner!

Edelt er mennesket,
jorden er rik!
Finnes her nød og sult
skyldes det svik.

Knus det! I livets navn
skal urett falle.
Solskinn og brød og ånd
eies av alle.

Da synker våpnene
maktesløs ned!
Skaper vi menneskeverd
skaper vi fred.

Den som med høyre arm
bærer en byrde,
dyr og umistelig,
kan ikke myrde.

Dette er løftet vårt
fra bror til bror:
vi vil bli gode mot
menskenes jord.

Vi vil ta vare på
skjønnheten, varmen
som om vi bar et barn
varsomt på armen!

English translation

Face the Foe
By Rod Sinclair (2004)

Faced by your enemies
On every hand
Battle is menacing,
Now make your stand

Fearful your question,
Defenceless, open
What shall I fight with?
What is my weapon?

Here is your battle plan,
Here is your shield
Faith in this life of ours,
The common weal

For all our children’s sake,
Save it, defend it,
Pay any price you must,
They shall not end it

Neat stacks of cannon shells,
Row upon row
Death to the life you love,
All that you know

War is contempt for life,
Peace is creation
Death’s march is halted
By determination

We all deserve the world,
Harvest and seed
Hunger and poverty
Are born of greed

Don’t turn your face away
From needs of others
Reach out a helping hand
To all your brothers

Here is our solemn vow,
From land to land
We will protect our world
From tyrants’ hand

Defend the beautiful,
Gentle and innocent
Like any mother would
Care for her infant.

English literal translation
By Morten Årstad (2011)

Surrounded by enemies,
go into your time!
Within a bloody storm -
devote yourself to fight!

Maybe you ask in fear,
uncovered, open:
with what shall I fight
what is my weapon?

Here is your defense against violence
here is your sword:
the belief in our life,
the worth of mankind.

For all our future's sake,
seek it and cultivate it,
die if you must - but:
increase it and strengthen it!

Silently rolls the grenades'
conveyor belts
Stop their drift towards death
Stop them with spirit!

War is contempt for life.
Peace is to create.
Throw your strength into it:
Death shall lose!

Love and enrich with dreams
all that was great!
Go towards the unknown
wring answers out of it.

Unbuilt powerplants,
unknown stars.
Create them, with spared lives'
bold minds!

Noble is mankind,
the earth is rich!
If there is need and hunger
it is by deceit.

Crush it! In the name of life
injustice shall fall.
Sunshine and bread and mind
belongs to all.

Then the weapons sink
powerless to the ground!
By creating human worth
we create peace.

Those who with their right arm
carry a burden,
precious and inalienable,
cannot murder.

This is our promise
from brother to brother:
We will be good to
humanity's earth.

We will take care of
the beauty, the warmth
as if we carried a child
carefully in our arms!

onsdag 13. juli 2011

Baby I was born this way ;)

At TT 2011, in Gjøvik, "Born this way", by Lady Gaga was used. I love the text.

""There's nothin wrong
With lovin who you are"
She said,
"Cause he made you perfect, babe"

"So hold your head up girl
And you'll go far
Listen to me when I say"

I'm beautiful in my way
'Cause god makes no mistakes
I'm on the right track baby
I was born this way

Don't hide yourself in regret
Just love yourself and you're set
I'm on the right track baby
I was born this way"

fredag 8. juli 2011

Harry Potter and the deathly hallows part 2

Just got a ticket for Harry Potter and the deathly hallows part 2, on the 13th og july!!! :D YES!!!!!


mandag 27. juni 2011


Today a girl from Bangladesh gave me a henna tattoo. It's so beautiful! The English name "henna" comes from the Arabic حِنَّاء, pronounced [ħɪnˈnæːʔ] or colloquially حنا.

The Four Candles burned slowly.

Their ambiance was so soft you could hear them speak...The first candle said, "I Am Peace, but these days, nobody wants to keep me lit." Then Peace's flame slowly diminished and went out completely. The second candle said, "I Am Faith, but these days, I am no longer indispensable." Then Faith's flame slowly diminished and went out completely.  Sadly the third candle spoke, "I Am Love and I haven't the strength to stay lit any longer." "People put me aside and don't understand my importance.  They even forget to love those who are nearest to them."  And waiting no longer, Love went out completely.  Suddenly ... A child entered the room and saw the three candles no longer burning.  The child began to cry, "Why are you not burning? You are supposed to stay lit until the end."Then the Fourth Candle spoke gently to the little boy, "Don't be afraid, for I Am Hope, and while I still burn, we can re-light the other candles." With shining eyes, the child took the Candle of Hope and lit the other three candles. Never let the Flame of Hope go out. With Hope in your life, no matter how bad things may be, Peace, Faith and Love may shine brightly once again. 
(Adapted from unknown storywriter)

torsdag 23. juni 2011

Global Week

Now I'm on my way to Global Week. I have guided some of the participants around Oslo. We saw the Opera, Karl Johans gate, the House of parlamente and the Royal castle, but no King Harald or Jens Stoltenberg. The tour ended at Nobels peace center. I'm looking forward to the week. Pictures will come later..

onsdag 15. juni 2011

Summer reading

I just finished reading A Thousand Splendid Suns
by Khaled Hosseini. It's a good book and you should read it when you have time. Maybe this summer? :)

tirsdag 24. mai 2011

My dear friend

Chathura Maduranga Hettiarachchi, my dear friend was a partisipant on the GoCY-program 2010-2011 together with me.we were bought in Kenya. He was in Mombasa and I was in Kisumu. Last chrismas and new year we celebrated together in Lamu and Mombasa. The exchange ended three weeks ago, and Chathura went back to Sri Lanka and I came home to Norway.

Some days ago Chathura fell sick and last night he died. Im numb. I dont know what to say, but I miss you Chathura! You are on my mind and I remember all the good times we had together. Ill always, always remember your smile and the way you answerwd " Poa Sana" (verry good), when someone asked you, "How are you?" I hope your poa sana right now, where ever you are. May God bless you!

I send my condolences to all your family and friends. Kristoffer is now on his way to Sri Lanka. He will represent the GoCYs in your funural.

Tuanane badai Chathura.

onsdag 27. april 2011

Back in Norway

This morning I arrived in Norway. It's so strange. Now I'm at Årholdttunet in Tønsberg with Maria, Mari, Kristoffer, Ridma, Jackie and David, all from the GoCY-program.

Happy Easter

It is not much that reminds me of the norwegian easter with snow and small yellow chickens. But at least I have the sun ;)

In one week i'll be on my way back to Norway. Kristoffer and two friends are now on their way to Kilimanjaro. I wish them a wonderful trip!

mandag 11. april 2011

2 weeks

Now it's only two weeks until I'm back in Norway. I would like to stay longer. There are so many things to do, and today I got some bad news. I have pneumonia. I'v started treatment, and hope to get well as soon as possible. The time is so short!!!

tirsdag 5. april 2011

Goodbye Joy

Yesterday Joy left Kenya. Her visa was expiering. She is now on her way home to Sudan. Maybe some day I’ll see her again? I’ll miss her in Kisumu, now I’m all alone. The pictures are from the last project we visited together. We gave out sanitary towels to a youth group in Otongolo.

søndag 3. april 2011

Blankets & wine

Today I was in Mamba village in Nairobi. I attended an arrangement called Blankets & wine. I was there withe Kristoffer, Håvard, Kristin from Norway, and some other german and kenyan friends. Blankets & wine is a kind of concert with around four different artists. It’s happening every first sunday of a month, and I recommend others to give it a try.

mandag 21. mars 2011

Tonight it's Spring Equlnox


Sun Rise: 06:32
Set : 18:39

Moon Set : 07:44
Rise: 20:14
Spring Equinox 02:25

"An equinox occurs twice a year, when the tilt of the Earth's axis is inclined neither away from nor towards the Sun, the center of the Sun being in the same plane as the Earth's equator."
So right now, because I'm at equator, I'm in the same plane as the center of the sun... :)

tirsdag 15. mars 2011

Islands in Lake Victoria

On sunday some girlfriends of mine from Kisumu and I went out with a boat to visit two islands in Lake Victoria.

lørdag 26. februar 2011

Last juice

Kine and I had a lemon lemonade before I took her to the airport. I have had so much fun this week and it’s very sad that Kine had to go home to Norway. She is now staying at a friends house in Nairobi and will leave Kenya tomorrow at 8am. I miss you Kine!

Goodbye Kine

In Kisumu we have one big Masai Market. Today Kine and I visited it to buy som souvenirs.

torsdag 24. februar 2011

Kiboko bay.

After the sunrise we relaxed by the pool in Kiboko bay.


Sunrise in a boat on Lake Victoria. We saw fishermen and hippos.


Today Kine and I crossed the border to Uganda. We bought material for making dresses. The Bodaboda-drivers in Uganda have pink uniforms, and they matched my dress. :)