

lørdag 25. september 2010

Dancing at the Sunspot

On friday night we went out dancing in Kisumu. The disco was called Sunspot and was packed whit people from 18 to 60 years old. The dancing was completely different from norwegian discos, and we got a big culture shock. The dancing is verry intence and there is no persenal space. Most of the night we had to run away from old and drunk african men. It was an interesting night and we had a lot of fun.

3 kommentarer:

  1. Now you have to practice new sort of dance. We suspect that the culture difference is not so great, running away from drunk old man must be an international folkdance. Take care and have fun. Be good! Klem :)

  2. Ser ut som om dere har hatt det moro! Jeg var på samling med barne- ungdomsskoleklassen i går. Det var 31 år siden jeg hadde sett de fleste. Det var også moro!
    Nå sitter jeg på kontoret og forbereder morgendagen.

  3. Hehe... yes I think you're right Ingeborg:)
    We had fun and hope to visit a new dance place next weekend.
    Hyggelig å møte gamle klassekamerater da... Er lenge siden jeg har sett folka fra barne- og ungdomsskolen.
