

onsdag 30. september 2015

Baby boom! Let's get pregnant! :)

There are so many people I know who are pregnant right now. I'll soon be an aunt, and there are several friends who await either their first or second child. What's happening!!!! Is it time for me to get a little stressed out already?!!! I do not want to be the only 40-year-old parent at my child’s first day of school! Anyway I’ll not be part of the "they got children so now I also have to get children” trend. To expand a family is an important step that should be determined by where you are in life, and not by how many children your sister or your friends have. Unfortunately I have no opportunity to star in the “teen mom” series anymore. But maybe that’s just fine? J

In Norway we have a very good arrangement for maternity leave. Altogether one can stay at home with a child for about a year. We also have arrangements to facilitate a more equal parenthood. "Paternity leave" (fedrekvoten), a period of 10 weeks, which are reserved for the father of the child, is an example. In 2014 it was also introduced a "leave only for mothers" (mødrekvoten), of 10 weeks. This is fine in terms of equal treatment. Research shows that fathers like to take paternal leave while mothers take the rest. Personally, I think it would make more sense to share more or less equally. If the mother stays at home for a whole year, it may hinder her career, and as I wrote in the post "How to get the job of your dreams", a 100% job is a basis for economic independence and career development. Of course it’s important to pay attention to the child, but I do not think a child will take harm by being more with his dad.

In Norway, we also have "Full day care coverage" (full barnehagedekning), which means that all children should be able to go to kindergarten. There are many who have different opinions about when a child should be sent to kindergarten. Some believe that a one-year-old child is too little to go to kindergarten, while others believe it’s okay. I think this is something parents themselves must decide on, but something that annoys me is how mothers who send young children to kindergarten can be seen as "bad, irresponsible" mothers. We must rid ourselves of such prejudices! Why is it that a mother who goes back to work early is a "bad mother", while it’s ok for a father to go back early or just continue on working without taking leave?? I'm not saying that everyone believes this, but I have the impression that there is an existing attitude among some. The economic argument, that fathers normally earn more than mothers and therefore should return to work earlier, or work all the time, is understandable, but why do fathers earn more than mothers in the first place?

These are interesting and important questions that it’s important to raise awareness of.

So what should I do? The plan is to finish my studies and then go out into a full time job before I eventually get children. We'll see what the future brings. It’s not easy or even possible to predict what you’ll do in a new situation. It’s certainly not easy to let Dad take care of the baby when you would prefer to do it yourself. Anyway, I think that it’s easier to create a more equal parenthood if one, already before having children, is aware of and consider the different options. I'm lucky to live in Norway, as I have so many choices compared with other countries.

Finally, maybe someone a couple of years from now, will produce reality series about “adult moms” or “working mothers”? The question is whether it draws television viewers? J

mandag 28. september 2015

Going crazy at the university!

Sometimes it’s hard to stay focused when I’m at the university. I don’t think it’s good to stay alone for too long. Therefore I choose to work at the university rather than at home. Being you’re own boss it bought fun and frustrating. At least it’s good to have some friends going trough the same thing. J

søndag 27. september 2015

Oslove, the Opera House

This weekend has been fantastic. Oslo is the best when the sun shines. There are so many nice places to visit in the city. Some are major tourist attractions, while others are hidden treasures. I've had a visit from Stavanger, and we’ve been out and about the whole weekend. There is so much to see and not enough time. I want to give visitors a good experience, but it’s not easy to figure out what to show them and what’s going to have to wait until next time. At the end of the day, the most important thing is to have a good time together. I have enjoyed myself plenty, and the brilliant sun made the weekend perfect.

fredag 25. september 2015

Be the change you want to see! We can STOP POVERTY!

Today, September 25th, UN’s new sustainability goals was adopted. One of the goals is to eradicate extreme poverty (living on an average of US $1.25 a day), which is something the YMCA-YWCA Global has been working towards since 2011!

The “Stop poverty-campaign” works towards eradicate poverty before 2030.

Extreme or absolute poverty is defined as: «a condition characterized by severe deprivation of basic human needs, including food, safe drinking water, sanitation facilities, health, shelter, education and information. It depends not only on income but also on access to services» (PSE 2010).

I’ve been a part of this movement and I’m happy we’re making a change. We want to stop not only extreme poverty, but all poverty. This is our next goal. Today we celebrated UN’s step in the right direction!

torsdag 24. september 2015

A cupcake maker and a first time baker’s worst nightmare?!

I don’t think I need to write anything else. The pictures speak for themselves!

Why dose it advertise 210 muffins when you have to use at least three to make one?

How to save the day!

Finally! This is easier and more successful!

100 g butter
2 dl sugar
2 eggs
1 dl milk
3 dl flour
1.5 tsp baking powder
1 tsp vanilla essence

Mix butter and sugar until it’s a white cream(5 min in a mix master). Add eggs one at a time. Next add vanilla essence. Then add half of the flour + baking powder. Add milk and finally the rest of the flour. Follow the cupcake makers instructions if you have one. Otherwise let them bake about 12 minutes in the oven (225oC). They are done when they've got a golden color.

onsdag 23. september 2015

How to get the job of your dreams!

Now nears the end of my study period. After nearly five years of political science, I hope to finish my thesis in May 2016. What shall I do after that? There are many jobs out there, but there are also many political scientists. How is one able to stand out from the crowd and have the little extra that gets you the dream job? It's not an easy question, and I don’t think there is one correct answer.
After being at the career day today, I've got lots of tips. Mainly it’s important to find jobs you’re qualified for. At least jobs that are relevant for what your have studied. Anyway it’s wise to think outside the box. The worst that can happen if you apply for a job that may not be entirely within your education direction is that your application doesn’t come through the first round. However, you can’t get a job if you don’t apply, so why don’t try!

It’s important to have good grades, but straight A’s isn’t required to get the top jobs. The way I understood it, it’s primarily students with a grade average of C or better that employers are looking for. If you have over C on average you’re still in the fight for your dream job after the second round.
In the third round, appropriate specialization and master courses are relevant. If you’re searching for a job in the communications industry it’s obviously good to convey that you have taken subjects about communications or that you have written a master thesis touching the subject.
The way I understood it, employers are more concerned with what methods you used in your master's thesis rather than the case studied. This dose not apply of course if your case study is directly relevant to the job you are applying for. To demonstrate the method characteristics you used is important.
So what about language? It’s good to know more that two languages, but some of the companies I talked to pointed out that there are more important to point out relevant work experience, for example from a country other than Norway.

In short, one should spend time presenting the best CV and application. You should not create a standard and use it for any job offers. The more specific your resume and your application are toward the job you are applying for the better. Yet it’s important not to leave out anything that is not clearly relevant. Even having worked at the cashier in a grocery store can be relevant when you’re applying for jobs for the first time.

Sell ​​yourself! Reveal the most relevant things you have to offer, and it’s good with some additional unique experience on the top, making sure that your application gets noticed.
It’s also important to learn as much as possible about the businesses and organization that offers the job. If you're specifically interested in one field the organization work with you should mention it in your application.

Before being called in for an interview, it’s wise to examine how the selection process takes place. Some job interviews are just a review of your application and a little extra talking, while others can present a case that the job applicant must propose a solution to. Sometimes there is also a section with personality tests and "IQ" tests. There are different examples on the Internet that can help you before you’re eventually called in for an interview.

It has been said that one should not dress up too much before going on an interview and it may well be some truth in it. At the same time I think it’s wise to still be careful with what you wear. First impressions are so important.

Finally, it’s important not to be sad and discouraged if you do not get the job you are applying for. One does not need to be afraid to submit multiple applications to the same employer. "It is only the third time you see a job applicant's name that you remember it," a company employee who stood on stand said to me.

One last thing! In her career day opening speech the following was said: "To you girls! Full-time is the key to economic independence and career-building ". It’s not certain that you get a 100% position on your first job, but it’s important not to settle for a 60% position for too long. It may be tempting not to work full-time if you do not have to, or have a partner who earns enough. But go a 100% into getting a 100% position!!

Good luck to you all!