

mandag 27. september 2010

In the name of love

In Kenya there is one serie on the TV you just have to see. It starts at 20.05 and last for one hour with a lot of comurtials in between. The serie is from Spain and was maybe made in the 1990’s. The mane character is a girl named Paloma. She has an evil aunt who kills her mother because she is in love with her lover. There is a lot of drama. Everyone love each others boy- or girlfriends, and they try to separate all the happy couples. There is a lot going on in the Church and everyone meets there. No one knows who their parents are. And the parents don’t know that they have kids and so on. The serie reminds me of Glamour and For better and for worse. It is almoust as popular as Hotell Cæsar is in Norway, and it’s a toppic of discution during worktime.

4 kommentarer:

  1. 2012: the show is still running on Kenyan television, I was there in July-August and I must admit, it's very addictive :P

    Greetings from a Kenyan Girl in Norway.

    Egentlig kunne jeg ha skrevet på norsk, men la merke til at dine blogginnlegg er på engelsk :P
    Det er så fantastisk gøy å lese blogger om folk som har vært i Afrika, men spesielt Kenya fordi jeg selv ønsker å dra tilbake for å hjelpe til med å forbedre livssituasjonen til de mange fattige. Særlig barna som er mest sårbare. Koser meg masse, selvom det nå har gått en god stund siden du faktisk var der.

    1. Hehe :) Lurer på om serien fortsatt går i 2014? Savner Kenya veldig, og håper å dra tilbake snart!! :)

  2. Haha, this soap opera is from Mexico (i'm from there)... cool to know how you see the story of this series, actually most of the soap operas in my country have almost the same story :/

    1. Mexico of course. Imagine that a TV show from Mexico ends up in Kenya :) It has not come to Norway yet.
