

onsdag 6. oktober 2010

Fishing surgery.

Today the boys tasted fish from Lake Victoria. The food looked delicious and it tasted good. Amr from Palestine loved it and ate both his own and Kristoffers fish. Suddenly Amr started coughing and grasped his throat. I got one stuck in my mouth he said. A fish bone cleaved his throat in two. A surgery was necessary and I played the doctor. Kristoffer held the flash light and Angela taped it all. Joy was the responsible one and told us this was no laughing matter when we laughed too much. In the end I got the bone out of Amrs throat, and he survived. :)

5 kommentarer:

  1. Maybe you should be a doctor. You certainly have the skills :)

  2. Heisan! Nå e eg endelig på bloggen din. Eg har kjupt paraply te deg me kardemommeloven på. Me ska setta opp kardemommeby på jobben og selge derfor paraplyer..Eg glemme jo aldri den du mista=)

  3. hehe:) herlig! Jeg glader meg til å se den ;)
    Så bra du har fått til det med bloggen :)
    Håper alt er bra på Kalven.

    Yes I think I could have been a good doctor :P

  4. you could have been a brilliant doctor... you managed to take a huge bone stuck in my throat by one touch... I felt no pain at all...


  5. You're welcome! Just call me and I'll come and rescue you any time you need it.
